Advent of Code 2023

See repo: Results I earned 40 out of 50 possible stars, with no stars on days 22 and 25. My highest ranking was for part 1 of day 11. My ranking was 1315 and my time was 15:43. My part 1…

Ghostland (update)

See ghostland-game on github. There have been a few updates since the last post. * Pacman style ghosts have been added, who drift around. * Red arrows appear in the air showing where the player has been. * An FPS meter is shown. * The player's flashlight will tend to point in…

Ghostland Game

See ghostland-game on github. This is a continuation of my goland-game project. While the previous project was implemented in go, for this project I was not able to get the go bindings for OpenGL working, and so I went with C++.…

Goland Game

See: This is a toy project to improve my skills in Go and graphical programming. I use for the raw GUI. Everything else down to the raytracers and shaders are my own design. In the current iteration, everything is done in…

KV Server

This is a high-level discussion of this project: This is a toy KV server project inspired by's Redis course. The server is written in C/CPython with a Python wrapper. The client is written in Python. Install with:…

Priority Queue

This is a description of the project found here: five-one-one-q C-backed priority queue implementation, with support for a sort-like key argument. Behavior The order of items returned by await q.get() is as follows: 1. Lowest value of key(item) is first…

B-Plus Trees

This is a practice project to familiarize myself with Python's C API. The goal is to implement a B-Plus Tree in C that is usable in Python. See Status The project is in an alpha phase. PyObject insertion functionality has…

2020 Election: County Voting

This is a follow-up to this post which discusses correlations between population density, race/ethnicity, and voting trends in the 2016 election. In that analysis, we ran a RandomForestRegressor on population density vs 2016 voting trends and found that it had a R2 score of 0.315. In the following…